Forensic Mapping

Midwest Crash Consulting has access to a total station, a GPS rover and also an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to accurately measure your scene.  Using this equipment allows us to create a scale diagram from which a number of measurements can be taken as well as 3- dimensional models of scenes and vehicles.  Roadway evidence can be accurately documented and depicted through the scale diagrams and models.  Some examples are lengths of skid marks, scrapes, gouges, the radius of a curve or yaw mark, roadway grade and profile, sight distance and much more.  Once a diagram is complete, measurements can be taken from any two points inside the boundaries of the map.

After the on scene work is done, the information is uploaded into a computer based drawing program where it is further refined into a suitable format for presentation.  An investigation completed by our company does not always necessitate a forensic map but we would be happy to complete one upon request.

Offering crash investigation and Event Data Recorder retrieval and analysis